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Pro Parenting Hacks To Handle A Hyperactive Child

Is your child hyperactive? Well, if you have got a child at home who cannot sit at one place or listen to you carefully, then maybe you have got a hyperactive child at home. And if their hyperactivity is not properly controlled, then it may even get worse both at home and at school. Hyperactive kids are blessed with a great amount of energy which makes them ultra-active.

hyperactive child

General Characteristics of a Hyperactive Child

It is quite easy to identify a hyperactive child, as they display a series of different characteristics which set them apart from other kids. Hyperactivity in kids is primarily characterized by careless behavior that can arise due to a lack of sufficient attention and care. Moreover, hyperactive children can easily get tired because they cannot focus on one thing and even have a short attention span.

And if hyperactive children are not handled properly it can severely impact their academic performance, lack of social interaction, and withdrawal from participation in group activities. All this can take a toll on your child’s mental health and can push them towards depression, frustration, and lower self-esteem.

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Factors Responsible for Causing Hyperactivity in Kids

Scientifically speaking kids can become hyperactive, when there is an imbalance between the production of 2 important neurotransmitters that is the adrenaline and dopamine in the brain. However, the other causes of hyperactivity in kids can consist of the general environment and the kid’s family. Let’s see how certain factors can trigger hyperactivity in kids:

a) Authoritarian Parenting

A type of parenting style, where you become too strict with rules and do not allow your kids to be flexible, and this, in turn, can make them hyperactive. Moreover, there can be a possibility where the parents may end up punishing their kids too frequently for not scoring good grades all these points towards authoritarian parenting. Furthermore, authoritarian parents can even lower down children’s confidence and self-esteem.

b) Neglectful Parenting

Neglectful parenting can be defined as a parenting style where your child is not being given proper attention and even their basic needs get neglected. Due to this the child may not be able to interact with others and may find it difficult to trust anyone.

c) Overprotective Parenting

As a parent, are you taking all the decisions on behalf of your child? Such as deciding what they should wear, what they should eat etc. Maybe indirectly but you are dictating your kid’s life. Such type of parenting is known as overprotective parenting. There is no doubt about the fact that even kids need some freedom where they are allowed to make some decisions on their own. However, in overprotective parenting this becomes impossible and as a result, all this can make your child more frustrated, uncomfortable, and hyperactive.

These are some of the common factors that cause hyperactivity in children. However, we have listed down some natural ways to calm down a hyperactive child.

1. Go for a Walk

Whether a morning walk or an evening walk, it can play a key role in refreshing not only your mind but also your soul. Besides offering a range of health benefits such as improving cardiovascular health, walking will also enable your kids to stay in shape and will enhance their overall focus. Moreover, it will also make way for fresh and positive thoughts.

2. Yoga and Meditation

Another simple and one of the easiest hacks for handling a hyperactive child is by enrolling them in yoga and meditation classes. As we already mentioned, kids are an adorable ball of energy and the best way to put their energy into use is by making them do yoga. Both yoga and meditation, when combined and done properly will teach your kids to channelize their energy positively and live a mindful lifestyle. Furthermore, both yoga and meditation will ensure that your kids can develop a sense of awareness about their surroundings, and stay focused thereby improving their attention span and memory.

hyperactive child

3. Inculcate a Good Reading Habit

Mindful reading is regarded as one of the most calming activities for hyperactive children. All you have to do is to hand over a set of books to your kids and make sure that they read them all. Reading will, in turn, foster their learning, memory, and also improve their intelligence. The more your kids will read the more they will learn and grow. Make sure that for the starters, you hand them 2-3 books but once they will get used to routine-based reading, let them choose the books for themselves. This exercise will make your kids responsible and it will be their first step in the direction of decision making.

4. Do Not Neglect Your Kids

More than a hack, it is an important tip for raising a hyperactive child at home. Do not leave your child alone for the entire day. Make sure that you are involved with your child in some of the other activities. Right from their schoolwork, daily activities, make sure that you give them all the attention they crave for. Appreciate them when you find them doing something good and productive. Appreciating your kids for their efforts and sincerity is one of the best and most effective ways for handling a hyperactive child. Also, make sure that you don’t judge your child too quickly for doing something good while ignoring their mistakes.

5. Art and Crafts

Just like yoga and meditation, even art and craft is a great way to teach your kids how to work on different ideas and how their ideas can be converted into something creative and constructive. Try to find out what they like to do the most, that is painting, drawing, coloring, or making DIYs. Moreover, once their work is completed they will feel good and extremely motivated to do something good in life. Art and craft will make your kids more creative and analytical.

hyperactive child

6. Dance, Acting, and Music Classes

Find out the interest of your child that is whether they like music, dance, or acting. And based on their interests enroll your kids in online classes. Both 3 extracurricular activities can teach your kids to strike a perfect balance between studies and different activities. As per some research, by learning a musical instrument your kids will be using both sides of their brain and they will be able to properly use their energy and control their body movement simultaneously. On the other hand, acting will improve your kid’s memory and will also touch their creative side. By portraying the roles of different characters your kids will be able to channel their energy into something productive and creative.

7. Sports

Physical activity is very important for a hyperactive child. Whether it is swimming, cricket, or football. All these activities can be very beneficial for your child. When talking about martial arts, like Karate, Kung Fu, or even Tae Kwon Do will allow your kids to focus on their energy and will teach them the art of self-discipline and control.

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Final Verdict

Hyperactivity in children is a natural phase, and sometimes it becomes important to pay extra attention to it before it completely overpowers their life. These are the 7 natural ways to calm a hyperactive child. You can also check out the official website of PiggyRide and explore their online classes. Whether your child is passionate about music or dance, you can explore their online dance and music classes and enroll them. Moreover, if your child is interested in creating beautiful things out of waste or paint you can even check out their online painting classes. And also don’t forget to check out their online chess classes which are good and highly interactive. We can assure you that your child will thoroughly enjoy themselves in these comprehensive online classes.
Enroll now!

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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great article