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COP27 – UNFCCC World Leaders Summit 2022

People keeping a tab on the news about the environment might have an idea about the earth’s increasing temperature, which is making the planet hotter than ever. The frequency of natural disasters, widespread diseases, wildfires, summer that stays longer than it should be, etc., has been increasing at a torturous speed. To control or limit these things to happen, the COP 27 (Conference of the Parties) Summit of the UNFCCC will come into action. 

COP27 - UNFCCC World Leaders Summit 2022

The Conference will take some essential decisions not only for one country but for the advancement & protection of the entire planet. COP27 Summit is a crucial point in protecting the earth from numerous factors harming the planet. This year, COP 2022 – United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place from November 6 to 18 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

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What Is The COP27 World Leaders Summit 2022?

COP27 - UNFCCC World Leaders Summit 2022

The COP (Conference Of Parties) 2022 World Leaders Summit is an opportunity to take needed climate action to protect the world. Also, it is a chance for different world leaders to come together and regain speed on climate change to turn all those “good decisions” into needed actions.

According to COP27 Summit’s President Special Representative- Wael Aboulmagd, it is pivotal to deliver effective climate finance pledges to assure support to all the developing countries making them eligible to fight against climate change. Moreover, António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General said that COP27 Summit must deliver the “down payment” on climatic solutions that will match the scale of all the problems.

This year, the focus of the conference meeting includes “Climate Change Mitigation,” “Climate Change Adaptation,” and “Climate Financing.”

COP27 Will Be Held In Which Country?

This year, COP27 will be taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

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What Does COP (Conference Of Parties) Mean?

In 1992, a total of 197 countries agreed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to create a Conference of Parties to fight climate change. 

These parties or participating countries approved the treaty to address “dangerous human interference with the climate system.” At that time, it was more focused on the issue of the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

After that, all the participating countries meet once a year to examine and discuss climate change and different ways to address the issue. 

It is the 27th meeting of the parties, hence the name COP27. Similarly, the COP26 Summit took place in the UK in partnership with Italy. The COP26 Summit 2021 was organised in Glasgow, UK, from October 31 to November 12.

Who Can Attend The COP27 Summit?

The COP27 Summit 2022 is accessible to only registered participants of the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference. This platform will allow all the participants to watch and join different meetings according to their badge types, their network & connections with other participants, and also to create self-service online meetings.

What Are The Main Goals & Objectives Of the COP27 Summit 2022?

Every year Conference of Parties decides some goals & objectives that should be followed in the upcoming year(s). This year, the parties will discuss the following goals and objectives:

1) Mitigation

First and foremost, mitigation. COP27 Climate Change Mitigation directs various efforts countries are putting in to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The process can be done by utilising older equipment & making them more energy-efficient. Or by using novel technologies, renewable energy sources or altering consumer behaviour & management practices. 

2) Adaptation

In adaptation, the focus is to inform the parties to equip communities with knowledge and various tools to ensure that whatever adaptation actions they take will move a country toward a more climate-resilient future.

3) Climate Finance

To fight against climate change, all countries need the requisite funds to attain the result. Developed countries, usually rich in nature, will provide their reassurance to support developing countries with adequate financial support.

4) Collaboration

In order to take powerful actions against climate change and irregularities, it is pivotal for all the participating countries to coordinate with each other. And to reach a proper agreement, inclusion and active participation from all the stakeholders are of the utmost importance.

Why COP27 Summit 2022 Is Important?

Final Thoughts

Whether people believe it or not, climate change is real. And it is happening right now. With constant wildfires, deadly pandemics & endemics, severe temperature change, increase in pollution levels, and so much more is the clear sign. COP (Conference Of Parties) is a light at the end of the tunnel to bring some positive change in the right direction. Moreover, it is pivotal for all of us to do our part and protect the environment and the earth. In the end, there is no Planet B for anyone.

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Shireen Ansari

Hello Folks!
My name is Shireen. I work as a content writer at Piggy Ride. I completed MA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Lucknow. I am a passionate writer and an avid reader.

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