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10 Tips to Protect Your Kids from the Possible Third Wave of Covid-19

Well, we are in the middle of the second wave of corona and heading towards the possible third wave of Covid-19 soon. Now, when the country is recuperating from the dreadful impact of the second wave of Covid-19, experts have already cautioned people about the third wave. You will be surprised to know that the third wave of Covid can have a serious impact on the health of your little kids. Well, yes you heard it right! Before the onset of the second wave of covid, children were only considered as spreaders. But, during the second wave, even they contracted the deadly virus. With potential strains on the rise, it is important to be more careful than ever before.

third wave of Covid-19

Therefore, it is equally important to educate ourselves and our kids about the virus and think about the different ways in which we can protect ourselves. In India, the third wave of Covid-19 has left parents worried. So, they are searching for proper guidance about how they can keep their kids safe and what should be done in case their child or a family member exhibits Covid-19 symptoms or tests positive. With the total number of Covid cases rising in kids, it is important to keep your kids safe. Do you have children at home? Wondering how to care for them? Then, you are at the right place. Thus, here are some of the crucial tips to keep your children safe during the third wave and keep the deadly Coronavirus at bay.

1. Ensure Your Kids Wear Masks

Your mask is mightier than the sword! The only way to protect your children and yourself from the third wave of covid-19 is by wearing a mask regularly. Make sure that you motivate your children to wear masks even at home. Children have weaker immune systems when compared to adults therefore, this makes them vulnerable to infection. But, by wearing a mask they are cutting on the potential risk of catching the covid infection.

2. Educate Your Children About the Importance of Sanitization

The ultimate key to keep your kids safe from the third wave of covid-19 is by educating them on the importance of sanitization. Explain to them the need for washing hands and how it will keep them safe and healthy. As a parent, it is your responsibility to keep a small portable bottle of sanitizers in your kid’s pocket so that they can use it whenever they touch any surface or come in contact with anyone. Hence, make it mandatory for your child to wash their hands after regular intervals.

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3. Disinfect the Surfaces Regularly

As parents, you also need to be vigilant and aware of all the sanitary practices that are being undertaken in your home. You should try your best to disinfect the surfaces that your kids are in the habit of touching frequently. Make sure that you thoroughly clean the furniture, doorknobs, handles, faucets, keys, wallets, remote and other things in the house with a good and effective liquid cleaner.

4. Don’t Let Your Kids Play Outside

In uncertain times like these, you never know when the virus will enter your home with your little kids. So, make sure that your children don’t go outside and expose themselves to the deadly virus. Encourage them to play indoor games like carrom, chess, puzzles, painting, listening to music, dance, and you can even watch some interesting educational documentaries along with them. This will keep your kids distracted from coronavirus.

third wave of Covid-19

5. Keep Your Children Positive, Busy and Motivated

For a parent, it can be extremely stressful to make your child feel positive especially in such difficult times. Your children will listen to you more if you give them positive instructions and praise them. You should use positive and good words when telling your child what to do. It is a known fact that shouting at your child will just make you and them more stressed and agitated. You can grab your child’s attention by using their name. Maintain a positive attitude towards your child and make sure that you speak to them in a calm voice. Motivate your child to indulge themselves in learning online extracurricular activities such as chess, art & craft, dance, singing, doodle, guitar, and more.

6. Help Your Child Stay Connected with Friends and Relatives

Human beings are social animals and they need to communicate with people around them. When it comes to communication teens especially need time to communicate with their friends and relatives. As a parent, you can help your child to connect with their friends through social media and other interactive ways such as video-calling. This is something which you all can do together.

7. Refrain Yourself from Giving Negative Information

As already mentioned, it is very important to create an atmosphere of positivity for your child in such difficult times. You should refrain from giving false information to your child as they can easily get scared. You can help your child to learn and view information from a credible source or else they might panic.

8. Provide a Well-Balanced Diet to Your Child

Diet is one of the most important factors which you cannot ignore. Help your children follow a well-balanced diet that does not consist of junk, oily, and processed foods. Make sure your child drinks plenty of water and avoid aerated drinks. It is important to keep your child hydrated during such times. And make sure you don’t give your child kadha or any other herbal drinks without the knowledge of the medical expert.

third wave of Covid-19

9. Make Way for Family Time

“Time spent with family is worth every second”, and we believe that spending quality time with your family can have a positive effect on your child. Make room for family time and make sure that during that time you aim at creating and building peaceful and loving relationships, as children will feel more secure, and loved. Positive language, and empathy help in maintaining a peaceful and happy family environment even during such stressful times.

10. Keep Calm and Manage Stress

It is a stressful time, so it is important to take care of yourself if you want to look after your kids properly. Make a list of healthy activities that you can do along with your kids at home. It is equally important to be open to your kids, listen to them carefully as they look up to you for comfort and support. To keep your kids busy, you can involve them in a series of extracurricular activities. Visit the website of PiggyRide and explore a range of online classes for your kids and choose the best one for them. These online classes will keep your kids busy.

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Management of Children in Case They Contract the Novel Coronavirus

In case your kid contracts the infection in the third wave of Covid-19, listed below are some effective ways to take care of your kids, especially if they fall sick-

a) Isolation is the Key

Isolate your child from the other members of your family, and assign one member of your family who will be responsible for taking their care.

b) Make Arrangements for Home Testing

If your child needs to be tested, make arrangements for home testing. Avoid going to the hospital.

c) Opt for Online Consultation

You can also set up online consultations with a pediatrician and discuss the symptoms with them in detail. Common symptoms can include cough, fever, headache, cold, vomiting, loose motions, and upset tummy. It is very important to follow up with your doctor for better and effective management and after-care.

e) Properly Monitor Your Kid’s Symptoms

Consult your doctor immediately or take them to the hospital if the symptoms include breathlessness, decreased food intake, and severe pain or discomfort.

f) Take Extra Care of Kids With Comorbidity

Lastly, it is also important to be extra vigilant and careful if you have children who are already suffering from any pre-existing disease such as asthma, diabetes, lung disease, and children with cancer.

Final Verdict

No one can predict the onset of the third wave of covid-19 and it is extremely important to take all the necessary precautions and care, especially of your little ones because to date the vaccination for kids has not been made. Make sure that you are always positive and happy when you are around your child. Encourage them to wear masks and if possible ask them to wear a double mask because of the uncertain nature of the Covid variant. Motivate your children to wash their hands regularly and don’t let them go outside unnecessarily. You can enroll your children in online classes and let them learn and grow by participating in a range of extracurricular activities.

We at PiggyRide, offer a comprehensive range of online courses and online extracurricular activities that are specially designed for your little kids. Whether your child is a music enthusiast or has a keen interest in painting and craft, you can choose the best option for them. Keep your children safe and don’t let their learning hamper.

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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