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A Comprehensive Guide On The 6 Levels Of CEFR

You must be wondering what CEFR is? or Why does CEFR matters in learning a new language? There is a possibility that you may have heard your kids saying “my friend can speak German at a B1 level”, or, “I’m an A2 in French.”
And you may find it confusing that what are B1 and A2 levels? And why does it matter? Well, these are the different descriptors that are used for resonating skill levels in the CEFR system of languages and they are used by the learners to measure their ability in a language.


What is CEFR?

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is also referred to as CEFRL. It is an international standard that is used for understanding and working out the ability of the learner within a new language. The foundation stone for CEFR was laid down by the Council of Europe and its primary aim is to validate language ability.

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Now you must be wondering what are the 6 different levels of CEFR? Listed down below are the 6 different and perhaps the most important levels of CEFR.

Levels of CEFR

As we have already mentioned, there are a total of 6 levels within the CEFR framework, and those are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Now within these 6 levels, you can easily plan and work out your skills and abilities in around 40 different languages. Isn’t this great?
Additionally, these CEFR levels are used by language learners for explaining their ability at speaking, reading, and writing a new language. Apart from all this, for further strengthening the base of a new language, various exams and certification courses are also available especially for those who want to make their level official or pursue a professional career in learning languages. Now let’s take a look at the different levels of CEFR and what you should expect from each level.


1. A1- Beginner Level

At the A1 CEFR level, a language learner should expect the following things:

a) Understanding and comprehending the use of very basic expressions for fulfilling the basic needs of a new language.
b) Introducing yourself to others and also asking questions to people about their personal details.
c) Communicating and interacting with people as long as the other person is speaking clearly and slowly.

2. A2- Elementary Level

At the A2 CEFR level, a language learner should expect the following things:

a) At this level, your kids will be expected to understand the most frequently used expressions in key areas such as shopping, family, employment, etc.
b) In the ongoing language class, at this level, they will be expected to complete all the tasks that are routine-based and also involve a direct exchange of ideas, information, and facts.
c) Children will be asked to describe all the things and matters of importance in simple and easy terms.

3. B1-Intermediate Level

At the B1 CEFR level, a language learner should expect the following things:

a) Since B1 is a level up when compared to A1 and A2 respectively, here kids will be expected to understand all the important points revolving around family, work, school, and even hobbies.
b) Kids will also be expected to understand and study travel-based scenarios especially in areas where the language is spoken.
c) Since it is an intermediate level, here kids will be asked to work and create simple texts on topics of personal interest.
d) Children will also be asked to describe various experiences, events, dreams, and goals in brief.


4. B2- Upper Intermediate Level

At the B2 CEFR level, a language learner should expect the following things:

a) As your kids will master the concerning levels of CEFR, the complexity will gradually increase. Here they will be asked to understand the main ideas that form the basis of a complex text. For example, a technical piece related to their field of study.
b) They will be asked to work and produce detailed text on a different range of topics.
c) Moreover, this level will lay a special emphasis on social interaction between the learner and the native speaker.

5. C1- Advanced Level

At the C1 CEFR level, a language learner should expect the following things:

a) Kids will be asked to understand a vast range of longer and more complex texts and conversations.
b) They will be asked to express themselves and their ideas without wasting much time on research.
c) Since C1 is an upgraded CEFR level, here kids or any new language learner will be asked to effectively use the concerned language for different purposes such as academic, social, and even professional situations.
d) Lastly, they will be asked to create well-structured sentences and even detailed texts on complex topics and ideas.


6. C2- Proficiency Level

At the C2 CEFR level, a language learner should expect the following things:

a) Since C2 is a professional level for learning a language, here the language learners will be expected to develop an understanding of all the topics and everything that they read and hear.
b) They will be asked to summarise all the important information and facts from a multitude of sources into a comprehensible presentation.
c) They should be able to express themselves according to different and complex scenarios.

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These are the top 6 levels of CEFR that you should know before learning a new language. Well, learning a new language can be overwhelming and an exciting experience at the same time. Therefore, make sure that you thoroughly research everything before you start your language training. This is a comprehensive guide on the CEFR levels and it will help you in understanding all the key aspects of a new language.

Moreover, apart from having an understanding of the different CEFR levels, you should also be able to have a basic knowledge about the CEFR level tests, and CEFR certificates. If you are planning to learn a new language from scratch, you should head to the official website of PiggyRide and explore a range of different online language courses. The language courses offered at PiggyRide are created based on different CEFR levels and your kids will be taught under the guidance of language experts. From online French classes to Online German classes, you can browse through a variety of different language courses and enroll your kids as per their choice.
Without any delay enroll your kids today!

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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very informative